Action Mesothelioma Day 2023

To mark Action Mesothelioma Day 2023 we have created this dedication page. You can add thoughts, messages and pictures to remember or support a loved one or to thank someone who has been there for you. Whatever your message, you can share it here.

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Charley sanders

Her mum

My darling Charley U was stolen from all of us way too soon u was always worrying and putting others before yourself even while u was ill and still worried about how we were coping You made me proud everyday I love and miss u so much you will soon have a little nephew who is gonna be named after u and we will make sure he knows all about his auntie chaz and let him know how much u would have loved him and would have spoilt him We all miss u like crazy and love u with all our hearts ❤️❤️

Charley sanders