Action Mesothelioma Day 2023

To mark Action Mesothelioma Day 2023 we have created this dedication page. You can add thoughts, messages and pictures to remember or support a loved one or to thank someone who has been there for you. Whatever your message, you can share it here.

Share your message

David Flaherty

Adam Whiting

Dave! You have shown us what it truly means to be brave. Throughout your journey, you have faced countless challenges head-on, demonstrating a determination that surpasses the limits of human endurance. Mesothelioma may be a formidable opponent, but you have faced it with unwavering resolve, refusing to let it define you or break your spirit. Like a superhero, you have inspired us all with your ability to find strength in the darkest of moments. Love you mate! Keep fighting x 💪🏻 🥊

David Flaherty